Meta is preparing to launch an 'anti-harassment' button on Instagram, an initiative announced by the Secretary of State for Children, Charlotte Caubel. This feature will allow users to easily report harassment and contact the e-Enfance association. Find out how this update could improve online security.

Instagram launches “anti-harassment” button

Meta has been implementing a series of features to improve users' mental health for several months. Among these features is the option to hide likes and disable comments on Instagram. Additionally, Instagram is introducing a new feature to combat online harassment.

With the aim of strengthening online security, Meta has designed an innovative button. This system not only allows reporting of any content considered harmful, but also offers referral to psychological assistance for users of all ages.

As Charlotte Caubel indicates, the aim is to make the process simpler: a clearly visible and ergonomic button, which a child can easily click on, instantly redirecting them to 3018 for psychological support.

Immediate access to 3018

Thus, the system is designed to effectively direct the victim of cyberbullying towards a professional from the e-Enfance association. Founded in 2005, this organization raises awareness each year among 200,000 children, adolescents, parents and professionals about the issues of harassment and digital use.

The anti-harassment innovation, a dedicated button, will be gradually introduced in France in the coming weeks. It should be noted that France will be the first country to benefit from this progress. This button will be integrated not only on Messenger, but also on TikTok, which will offer a link to the website of the e-Enfance organization.

3018, a free and confidential service, is accessible seven days a week until 11 p.m. (Paris time). It offers the possibility of reporting any harmful content and accounts encountered on the Internet and/or social networks.