What exactly is a company page on LinkedIn?

The advantages of creating a company page on LinkedIn

A company page on LinkedIn is a page dedicated to an organization, be it a company, a school, an association or any other form of institution. The main purpose of this page is to share information about the organization's activities, such as company life, products and services offered, recruitment, etc.

There are several advantages for brands to using a Company Page on LinkedIn, including:

  • Facilitate communication with its target audience;
  • Improve visibility and strengthen brand awareness;
  • Fostering community engagement with the brand;
  • Direct visitors to the brand's website.

The various categories of company pages available on LinkedIn

LinkedIn offers three different types of pages on its professional social network:

  • Company pages that allow you to present a company of any size (TPE, SME, large companies).
  • Showcase pages intended for an activity, a brand or a subsidiary. These pages are always linked to a parent page, that of the company.
  • The educational institution pages that are reserved for schools and universities.

Unlike other types of pages, educational institution pages feature an "alumni" tab to facilitate networking.

How to set up a company page on LinkedIn?

To create a LinkedIn Company Page, you can use your computer or smartphone (iOS only). However, certain conditions are necessary to be able to create a page: you must be an administrator, have a personal account for more than seven days, have some connections and an intermediate level profile.

If you want to create a LinkedIn company page from your computer, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Click on the "For Business" icon (represented by 9 squares) in the menu at the top on the right.
  2. Select "Create a Company+ Page".
  3. Choose the type of page you want to create from "Business", "Showcase Page" or "Educational Institution".< /li>
  4. Fill in information about your organization such as name, LinkedIn URL, associated website, industry, size, and organization type. Although optional, it is highly recommended to upload the logo and fill in a slogan.
  5. Click on the "Create the page" button.

How to create a LinkedIn company page from a mobile device?

Here is the procedure to create a LinkedIn page from your mobile:

  1. Go to an existing LinkedIn page.
  2. Click on the icon in the shape of a circle with ellipses located next to the CTAs of the page in question.
  3. Select "Create a LinkedIn Page" and choose from the "Company" or "Educational Institution" options (creating a Showcase Page from mobile is not possible at this time).
  4. Fill in the organization information, such as name, LinkedIn URL, website, industry, size, and organization type.
  5. Click on the "Create" button.

How to Effectively Launch Your Company Page on LinkedIn: Best Practices

When creating a LinkedIn Company Page, it's important to provide as much information as possible to build your credibility and increase your visibility. Choosing a consistent public URL for your page is also key to improving your search engine rankings.

After creating your page, you will need to get your first subscribers by communicating on your page internally and encouraging your community to interact. The more followers you have, the more visible your page will be. To manage and animate your page, it is recommended to publish relevant content regularly, ideally once or twice a day. This content may include news about your organization or industry, job postings, or other relevant information. It is possible to grant an administrator level to several users to facilitate the management of your page.

It is important to offer quality content to build your credibility and be seen as an influencer by your community. Eye-catching visuals and prompts to comment can also help drive engagement. Finally, LinkedIn offers sponsored campaigns with LinkedIn Ads to promote your content, improve your notoriety and attract new followers. It is important to respect a marketing strategy established upstream and not to flood the social network with your presence. Better to do little, but well.