Tip #1: Understand your target audience

To increase your notoriety, it is essential to know your target audience well. To have a more precise vision of this, you must create buyer profiles, also called “buyer personas”. This is a crucial element in establishing your strategy. You don't have just one type of customer, so it's necessary to create multiple personas. By understanding the different profiles you are targeting, you will be able to offer content adapted to each of them.

Who is your ideal customer? What are its characteristics ? What information is he looking for? The goal is to know your audience as well as possible in order to provide content that meets their needs. The more you know about your audience, the more you can adapt your speech and attract their attention. By drawing up a composite portrait of your audience, you will have the appropriate arguments to convince them. You will be able to meet her expectations, which will make her remember your business and encourage her to tell those around her.

Tip #2: Optimize your website

By improving your website, you can significantly increase your notoriety. In fact, your site is the digital showcase of your company and it reflects its quality and values. It is therefore obvious that the more user-friendly and ergonomic your site is, the more satisfied visitors you will attract, which will help to increase your notoriety.

When a user arrives on your site, it only takes a few seconds for them to decide whether they want to stay there or not. It is therefore essential that your site meets their expectations and is attractive. You must offer relevant content and take care of the design.

Make navigation easier for your visitors, whether on a computer or smartphone. Your site must be responsive, that is, it must adapt to mobile formats. Today, the majority of users browse the internet via their smartphone rather than on a computer or tablet. In 2019, mobile internet traffic represented 54%, and the forecast for 2021 is 61%. It is therefore crucial that search engines prioritize mobile-friendly sites in order to provide users with the best possible experience. Make sure each of your pages is responsive by ensuring that your text, images, buttons and links are visible on a small screen. Perform testing to ensure your site is compatible. Many tools such as Xrespond, Responsivedesignchecker or even Google's mobile compatibility test allow you to check this.

Your site should also be responsive, with lightweight content so mobile users can load your pages quickly. Content must automatically adjust to the size of the smartphone screen. Slow loading or incorrect display can cause users to abandon your site and turn to a competitor.

Adding images can make your content engaging and easier to read, provide additional explanation, and improve your SEO. Images related to your topic help visitors understand your message and remember you. This reinforces their positive experience. Note that more than 60% of Gen Z users search directly in the images tab. Additionally, infographics generate three times more likes and shares on social media. By integrating images, you increase your chances of success.

Tip #3: Create a business blog

Creating a business blog is an inbound marketing strategy that allows you to attract Internet users without resorting to paid advertising. A business blog is a section of your website where you can publish content related to your industry. It allows you to engage your target and share news about your company. The objective of a blog is to meet the expectations of your prospects. It is not intended to directly sell your products or services, because your website already fulfills this function. These two tools are therefore complementary. By publishing articles, you provide useful information to your potential buyers in order to create a relationship of trust and, ultimately, encourage them to make a purchase.
Having a business blog has many advantages:

  • Generate qualified traffic.
  • Position yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Optimize your SEO.
  • Establish proximity with your customers.
  • Animate your social networks.
  • Retain your audience.

Your blog will help you attract new visitors, meet their needs with your content and reinforce the quality image of your business. Word of mouth will thus be able to spread within their own community.

Tip #4: Monitor your online reputation

To build a solid reputation, it is essential to carefully monitor your online reputation. E-reputation represents the image that your business projects on the Internet. It is formed from information concerning your brand, whether it comes from you or from Internet users. It is therefore essential to be careful in your communications and to monitor what is said about you. This way, you will be able to better control your online reputation and, consequently, your notoriety.

To monitor your online reputation, you can use free tools such as Google Analytics, Hasthagify, or opt for more powerful paid tools like Hubspot. By paying attention to current events in your field and your social media, you will be able to adapt to trends and the needs of your customers.

Managing interactions is daily work. Don't leave your community without news for too long and always respond to their questions or encouragement. It is important to know that 83% of Internet users appreciate receiving a response from a company on social networks. It is therefore imperative to respond to your subscribers when they contact you. Additionally, it is essential to respond quickly, as 40% of Internet users expect a response within an hour when expressing their dissatisfaction. This can help you change the opinion of a customer who has had a negative experience. The more you interact with your community, the more you strengthen your relationship with it.

It is important to track different metrics such as comments, mentions, conversations and hashtags. Don't forget to respond to your community, because this is how you can project a quality image and control your notoriety.

Tip #5: Liven up your social networks

We are all aware of the power of social media to increase brand awareness on a large scale. Whether it's a small business or a large one, these communications platforms can make you known around the world and reach countless consumers, if used effectively.

Our way of life is strongly influenced by digital technology, particularly by social networks. Of the 7 billion people on the planet, there are 3.7 billion social media users. This share continues to grow, with an increase of almost 10% in one year. Social networks are spaces for exchange that allow you to establish a relationship of proximity and trust with your audience. Through these platforms, you can interact directly with your community and strengthen their engagement with your brand. The main reasons why Internet users join are to get information, stay connected with loved ones and be entertained. They can access it at any time of the day and from anywhere.

Through these media, you can stand out from your competitors by highlighting your expertise and sharing your company culture. Nothing better than sharing the same values ​​to establish strong bonds. The point of these tools is to interact with your audience. In fact, 71% of Internet users who have had a positive experience with a company on social networks recommend it to those around them, which represents an excellent opportunity to increase your notoriety and improve your brand image. Additionally, 67% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product recommended on social media. The virtual community of your customers therefore presents great potential for your business.

By communicating in a more human and personal way, you will be able to meet the expectations of your audience. You will be able to communicate with them via chat or by responding to their comments. Effective communication will allow you to generate leads and acquire new customers. Interestingly, 84% of consumers are likely to make a purchase from a brand they follow on social media.

Used as a relay for your blog, social networks allow you to share your articles and introduce your site to your subscribers. You can thus generate leads to your site and establish a new relationship with your prospects. Providing a positive experience is important because 48% of people make a purchase from a business that has listened to them on social media. In addition, 50% say they will no longer use a brand if their experience has been negative, and 41% will speak directly to their community about it. It is therefore essential to take care of your subscribers and offer them an enriching experience in order to improve your image.

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat... a multitude of social media are at your disposal to carry out your actions. Whether B2B or B2C, your business absolutely must be present. We invite you to read our article on “how to develop your social media strategy” to find out more.

Here are some tips for successfully increasing your notoriety:

  • Publish regularly.
  • Keep your community informed of your news.
  • Be attentive of your audience.
  • Be playful and use emojis.
  • Encourage interaction.
  • Integrate your social networks into your different communication channels.

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