GitHub recently held its Universe 2023 event, where it unveiled a series of new features for developers. The main objective of these new features is to make GitHub an AI-based development platform. In addition, the American company presented its annual Octoverse report, which takes stock of developer practices, with a particular emphasis on generative AI this year.

Developers benefit from a new AI assistant

Last March, GitHub launched GitHub Copilot Chat, an AI assistant powered by GPT-4, to help developers generate code and fix bugs. Although the AI ​​assistant was only available in beta before, it will be available to everyone starting this month, as GitHub clarified in its blog post

“Copilot Chat will be generally available in December 2023 as part of your existing GitHub Copilot subscription, for organizations and individuals. This offer is also available for free to verified teachers, students, and maintainers of popular open source projects. »

The firm announced another news: Copilot Chat will be integrated directly into and on the mobile application (iOS and Android). You can see an example of using Copilot Chat in the video below.

New features with GitHub Copilot Chat

GitHub announced an improvement to the Copilot Chat user experience by providing more precise code suggestions and more detailed explanations using OpenAI's GPT-4 model. Developers can now discuss specific lines of code directly in their code and editor flow with this new version of the wizard. This update to Copilot Chat allows developers to generate code in seconds, fix bugs, get in-depth analyzes and explanations of code blocks, generate unit tests, and even receive proposals for changes. bugfix. This new version of Copilot Chat is deeply integrated with the IDE (integrated development environment) and recognizes the code typed by the developer as well as the error messages displayed. To learn more about this update, you can check out the GitHub blog post

« « Copilot Chat uses your code as context, and is able to explain complex concepts, suggest code based on your open files and windows, detect security vulnerabilities , and help find and repair errors in code, terminal and debugger. »

Developers have expressed a need and GitHub has responded by announcing that GitHub Copilot Chat will soon be available in the JetBrains IDE suite. This feature is currently in preview version and you can register on the waiting list to access it. Please note that to benefit from this feature, you must have subscribed to the GitHub Copilot subscription

An offer available in February 2024: Copilot Entreprise

GitHub announced a new offering for businesses: Copilot Enterprise. This offer will be available from February 2024 for $39 per user per month. Companies can already register on the waiting list to benefit from this offer.