On March 13 and 14, SMX Paris 2023*, the unmissable event for Search Marketing professionals, welcomed Syphaïwong Bay as a speaker at the conference entitled: “Is AI going to revolutionize the creation of SEO content? and here's what we can tell you.

The significant impact of the integration of content generation tools such as ChatGPT on the field of SEO

While we may not be at a true revolution yet, there's no denying that ChatGPT, OpenAI's conversational solution, is getting a lot of attention. On a daily basis, whether during meetings or exchanges, a question comes up regularly: how does ChatGPT impact the field of SEO?

Text generation is one of the topics often discussed in this regard. Examples abound, demonstrating ChatGPT's ability to be inventive and creative, to compose poems that move even more than those of a Cyrano de Bergerac. But the possibilities offered by ChatGPT go far beyond the simple creation of content. It can also suggest content structures, compose summaries or help with paraphrasing, all aspects to explore for SEO and content creation, without leaving the robot to write completely independently.

It is important to note that the daily tasks of an SEO are numerous and sometimes deserve to be automated. ChatGPT can thus provide valuable assistance in these less obvious areas, thus offering new perspectives to SEO professionals.

The relevance of using these tools for SEO content writing

Any further help is invaluable. Although content generation tools have made progress, they may not yet be powerful enough to fully realize certain types of content such as files, guides or articles. Indeed, compliance with a specific editorial line, as well as the need to check formulations to avoid misinterpretations, are aspects that require a human point of view. This is all the more true for content relating to regulated professions, often classified as "YMYL" (Your Money, Your Life) content.

However, it is undeniable that content generation tools can be beneficial for certain types of content that were already partially automated. Examples are references in product catalogs or user manuals.

So, although content generation tools may not yet be suitable for all types of content, they can be used in a relevant way in certain specific contexts.

The risks of using AI-generated content, especially regarding Google's policies

There is virtually no risk. Moreover, this was even confirmed in an official communication. An AI content generation tool remains a simple tool. It can be considered as an aid or as a stand-alone tool capable of producing content. However, it is essential to verify sources and carefully proofread and edit content before publishing it online. What could be criticized for excessive use of AI is to give it blind faith. If we consider that the information provided by the AI comes from online corpora.

What will be the challenges ahead for SEO experts?

SEO professionals will face the same challenges as today, namely adapting and revising their strategies according to the new opportunities offered by search engines. What is particularly interesting, in my opinion, is the increasing complexity of SEO over the years. Of course, it can also get frustrating. Indeed, with more and more positioning factors multiplying and complementing each other, it becomes more complex to precisely measure the origin of the results obtained. However, it also allows us to explore new perspectives and seek innovative solutions to improve and enhance our content.

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