Together, let's take action against breast cancer.

In France, 1 in 8 women is at risk of developing breast cancer during her lifetime. Breast cancer is responsible for more than 12,000 deaths per year (in metropolitan France, according to 2018 Public Health statistics). However, this disease is also very well taken care of: nearly 90% of patients in France are declared cured after 5 years if the cancer is detected early with preventive screening. A free screening campaign is available for women aged 50 to 74. They benefit from an invitation for a screening mammogram with the gynecologist or the attending physician. It is therefore important to be screened regularly to increase the chances of recovery and reduce the risk of mortality.

What is Pink October?

Operation Pink October is associated with the prevention and fight against breast cancer. Originally American, it was in 1994 that the initiative arrived in France through the association “Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en!”. Every year from October 1 to 31, the Pink October campaign is launched. Symbolized by a pink ribbon representing the fight of women against breast cancer. According to the Breast Cancer Action association, “the color of the ribbon embodies femininity, sweetness, joy and good health, the complete opposite of cancer”.

Fight against breast cancer

Pink October aims to raise awareness of breast cancer and raise funds for medical research. The objective is also to prevent the risk of the disease by advocating early detection for women. Called screening mammography, this screening method is performed by the attending physician or gynecologist.

Talk about it, testing saves lives.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in France and is the leading cause of cancer death in women. It is therefore important not to be afraid to talk about it and to get informed. Adopting the right reflexes such as screening can increase the chances of recovery and save lives.

Regardless of your age, if you notice changes between two exams, talk to a professional. Pink October allows you to discuss directly in private with a doctor-oncologist.

The #JaimeMesSeins hashtag gives you access to information about Pink October, you can share and react on the Hashtag throughout the year.

A single donation can make a difference.

By donating to the Cancer League, you can save lives.
Your donations fund:

  • Sports activities for people with cancer.
  • Socio-aesthetic treatment sessions
  • Researchers' working days
  • Home help for the sick
  • Breast prosthesis placement

Vous pouvez soutenir la lutte contre le cancer du sein en faisant un don directement sur the Pink October website